Total (Excluding Delivery)
Wide range of genuine spare parts and accessories for your household appliances at low prices Wide range of genuine spare parts and accessories for your household appliances at low prices

The prices of products on this website are in € Euro , inclusive of all relevant taxes and exclusive of delivery. You'll find details of our delivery options and costs in the Delivery Information section. They are also shown when you place items in the basket.

The prices, offers and products on this website are subject to availability and may change before (but not after) we accept your order. We do our best to ensure that all information on this site is accurate. However, just occasionally, an error may occur. If we discover an error in the price or description of a product you have ordered, we will inform you as soon as possible and ask whether you wish to continue with your order or cancel it.

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  • Visa Debit
  • Mastercard
  • Maestro
Payment Methods Available

We accept Visa and MasterCard credit cards along with, Visa debit, Visa Electron and Maestro debit cards.

Website Transactions

When you place an order we will treat it as an offer to buy. Payment will be processed at the point of ordering. We will send an e-mail to confirm receipt of your order. If we accept your order, we will despatch the product(s), at which point we make a legal contract with you. We will send you an email to confirm despatch.

*Please note that prices quoted over the phone may differ to those shown on this website.